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FACE Integrative Counselling Ltd Est. 2007

Ms Rei Aziz BSc (Hons), MSc, Reg. MBACP (Snr. Accred)

Clinical experience includes welcoming referrals for individual adult clients aged 18+ years via Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) and healthcare insurance providers, offering appointments in person until March 2020 and offering online counselling via various platforms, since 2016.  Prior to this, delivering therapeutic interventions in the voluntary and statutory sectors between 2002 and 2014, including supporting adults and young people wishing to talk about abandonment, abuse, anger, anxiety, assertiveness, attachment, bereavement, bi-polar disorder, changing behaviour choices and consequences, childhood experiences, confidence, depression, education and learning difficulties, family dynamics, financial strain, hearing voices, identity, loss, offending behaviour, personal development, rejection, relationships, seeking employment, self care, self-esteem, self-harm, sexuality, spirituality, stress management, substance use, suicidal ideation, trauma, violence, workplace bullying, workplace stress.

I employ an Integrative approach to counselling and psychotherapy, which incorporates elements of Cognitive-Behavioural, Humanistic-Existential, and Psychodynamic approaches, and acknowledges that the most significant aspect of the counselling process is the therapeutic relationship between counsellor and client.  Therapeutic counselling offers a safe space in which an individual can choose to take up opportunities to reflect, express, and explore experiences and emotions that impact upon one’s life and wellbeing.  I offer the core conditions of congruence, empathy, and unconditional positive regard alongside a wealth of clinical practice experience and theoretical knowledge to support the individual process.  During your first appointment (whether face to face or via online video call or web chat counselling appointment) we will talk about what has brought you to counselling at this time and what aims we can work towards together.


I am currently offering video call counselling appointments via and instant messaging / web chat counselling appointments via Signal.


Please feel free to contact me for further details or to arrange an appointment.

Home: Welcome
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50 minute face to face counselling/psychotherapy appointment £80

Currently not offered

A full £80 fee is payable per 50-minute face to face (in-person) counselling session unless an appointment is cancelled with 48 hours notice in advance.  Payments for face to face (in person) counselling appointments are required to be made by direct bank transfer at least 48 hours in advance of each appointment.  Payments made more than 48 hours in advance of an appointment will be refunded if notice of cancellation of the appointment has been given at least 48 hours in advance.  Please note that your appointment is not confirmed until payment is received.  (As of 23 March 2020, face to face appointments are not being offered pending developments around COVID-19.)

Home: Confidentiality

I am a Registered and Senior Accredited Member of the BACP.  I work in line with the BACP Ethical Framework for Counselling Professions and I am thereby committed to professional development and regular clinical supervision, of which the purpose is for me to have support and guidance around my work with you and to ensure that I work ethically and safely, and offer the best possible service to you in our work together.  Information that could identify you is not shared with the supervisor. 

Therapy is confidential.  However, there are exceptions to keeping confidentiality if:

- 1) you give your written consent to information being shared,

- 2) you disclose that you are at risk of serious harm from others or yourself (including suicide), or that others are at risk of serious harm from you,

- 3) you disclose that a child or vulnerable adult is being abused,

- 4) you disclose information that is related to terrorist threat or drug money laundering,

- 5) via a court order for disclosure.   

The police and other authorities can ask for access to an individual’s e-mail account or synchronous messaging account where there is suspicion of illegal or terrorist activities.  They can also ask counsellors for access to stored records.  Counsellors are not able to guarantee confidentiality in these circumstances, and are legally bound to disclose to authorities if you reveal that you are intending to cause risk of harm to others.

50 minute video call counselling/psychotherapy appointment £80


A full £80 fee is payable per 50-minute video call  counselling session unless an appointment is cancelled with 48 hours notice in advance.  Payments for video call counselling appointments are required to be made by direct bank transfer at least 48 hours in advance of each appointment.  Payments made more than 48 hours in advance of an appointment will be refunded if notice of cancellation of the appointment has been given at least 48 hours in advance.  Please note that your appointment is not confirmed until payment is received.  (As of March 2021, video call appointments are currently being offered pending developments around COVID-19.)


50 minute instant messaging counselling/psychotherapy appointment £44

via Signal

Please download the Signal app prior to instant messaging counselling appointments. I will ask you for identifying information with which to contact you on the app to conduct appointments. No transcript of the conversation will be stored or recorded.



A full £44 fee is payable per 50-minute online instant messaging / web chat / typed conversation counselling session unless an appointment is cancelled with 48 hours notice in advance.  Payments for online web chat counselling appointments are required to be made by direct bank transfer at least 48 hours in advance of the agreed appointment time.  These will be refunded if the appointment is cancelled with at least 48 hours notice in advance.  Please note that your appointment is not confirmed until payment is received.


The therapeutic counselling process can be very rewarding but can also be at times emotionally painful.  My aim is to work with you at your own pace and encourage personal development through the exploration of life experiences and responses to these.  If you decide after the first meeting that counselling is for you, you will be encouraged to attend appointments at weekly intervals until it is felt that the aims of the counselling have been achieved.  It is sometimes appropriate to leave longer gaps between appointments nearer to the end of a piece of work or if we agree at the start that this would be more beneficial than weekly appointments.


If you seek online video call appointments, please dedicate a protected time and space for appointments that will not be interrupted and cannot be heard by anyone else in order to keep the sessions confidential.


A link will be provided via which to attend remote appointments.


If you seek online web chat counselling appointments, please ensure that you secure your electronic device/s and chat against unauthorised viewing by third parties.  This may include adopting the use of password protection for accounts, devices and documents.  It is strongly recommended that you do not engage in counselling using a public computer where the content of exchanges could be viewed by third parties in close proximity.


Please install Signal for web chat counselling appointments prior to your first appointment.  I may contact you to request confirmation of your chosen platform and contact details prior to your first appointment.

Home: Services
Home: Requirements

Privacy Notice

I collect, store and process personal information about you to enable me to run my psychotherapy practice as the Director of FACE Integrative Counselling Ltd., a company registered in England under the number 06454699 and the Data Controller for information about self-referring clients (Joint Controller for clients referred via EAP or Healthcare providers).  I am able to collect this information upon the legal basis of “Contract”, as per the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 


What information will be used?


Personal information can include name and contact details (telephone number, e-mail address, postal address) and information about your age, health (mental and physical), profession, sexuality, domestic and financial arrangements and other special category data.  Notes from which you would not be identifiable may be written during or after appointments or contacts to capture summaries of themes discussed.  The purpose of this is to aid the therapeutic process.  Such notes are minimal in order to protect your privacy.


How will your information be used?


Your information will be stored anonymously, under lock and key and/or password protected.  I may use your information to track the progress of our work together or to receive reflection and guidance from my clinical supervisor in discussions where your identity would not be disclosed.  Your contact details will be used to arrange and communicate about the scheduling of counselling appointments and I will occasionally send a text message or e-mail to pass on reference information to you that we have discussed in an appointment prior to my sending you the details. 


Video call appointments via will not be recorded.  You can view the Privacy Policy can be viewed at


If you take up web chat appointments via Signal, you will need to download  the Signal app and I will use your telephone number to contact you via the app at the time for which we schedule the appointment.  Signal's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy can be viewed at


I will not keep a record of the content of the session, only my hand written notes that will be locked away and not include any details that would identify you.


When can your information be used?


Your information will be used where necessary in order to carry out counselling/psychotherapy support, where you have given your consent for your information to be used, where it is necessary for your information to be used to comply with a legal obligation to which Rei Aziz/FACE Integrative Counselling Ltd. is subject.  Any information used for other purposes (such as to monitor statistics and any trends in the types of themes or interventions that people are accessing the service for) will be converted into a form from which you cannot be indentified and your identity will be kept strictly confidential.


Who will your information be shared with?


Your information will be shared with relevant authorities or your GP under the circumstances listed on the Confidentiality page of this website and on the Consent Form that you will be asked to sign in the event of concerns that such circumstances may arise.  Whenever possible, this will be discussed with you before your information is shared.  Certain information will also be shared with referring agencies such as EAP providers or health insurers as will have been discussed in your first counselling appointment if this applies.  As I am currently using Yahoo Mail, it is recommended that e-mail is only used for booking and confirming appointments rather than including any personal information.  My account with Yahoo Mail may remember your e-mail address.  E-mail communication will be deleted once an appointment that it contains the details of have taken place in order to protect your privacy.  I will not pass on your details to any organisation for marketing purposes. 


The period for which your information will be kept


Your contact information will kept throughout the duration of the counselling/psychotherapy work and will be deleted (shredded) upon completion of our work together.  Other information that does not identify you such as notes that I have taken, statistical records or details on web chat appointments will be stored securely for a further period of up to 7 years from when counselling ends.  Any notes written to aid the therapeutic process are minimal in order to protect your privacy.


Your choices and rights


With regards to how this information is used, you have the right to:

- be informed about the collection and use of your personal information.

- access information about you – free of charge – to be provided to you within 1 month,

- have inaccuracies corrected,

- have information about you deleted (if it is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was collected in the first place, or if there is no compelling reason for its continued processing),

- determine how information about you is processed by restricting or objecting to processing,

- obtain and reuse your personal information for your own purposes across different services,

- withdraw your consent at any time,

- not receive any unsolicited marketing,

- complain if you are unhappy about any of the above by contacting the Information Commissioners Office – - although I trust that you will discuss this with me in the first instance,

- be made aware of any automated decision-making process (including profiling) that affects your personal information,

- compensation for substantial damage or distress caused by data processing, where applicable.


To view SimpleSite's Privacy Policy, please (copy and paste to) see:

Social Media Policy

In order to protect and respect the boundaries of the therapeutic relationship, it is not appropriate to make personal contact requests via social media or any other means.  If any such requests are received they will be ignored or declined.  Online counselling will be contained within video call or web chat appointments and not discussed outside of this environment other than to book appointments or for the purposes of clinical supervision or in emergencies, just as face to face/in-person counselling will be contained within those appointments and not discussed outside of this environment other than to book appointments or for the purposes of clinical supervision or in emergencies. 

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Home: Privacy Notice

Appointment times (video calls only):

Mondays - 09:30, 10:45, 12:15, 13:30,

Tuesdays - 11:30, 12:45, 14:00,

Wednesdays - 12:15,  13:30,

Thursdays - 09:15, 10:30, 11:45, 13:00, 14:15,

Fridays - 09:15, 10:30, 11:45.

(Web chat appointments can be arranged outside of the times listed above.)


Tel: 07950506422 (text message or Signal)


Home: Social Media Policy
Home: Opening Hours
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